
Thursday, 29 December 2011

As above, so below

"As above, so below" The sun in the sky, the sun in you "the solar plexus" The 12 signs of the zodiac in the sky, the 12 cranial nerves of your brain. 13 above and 13 in your head. the pineal gland in the center of your brain is the sun in the sky, the 12 cranial of your brain are the 12 signs of the zodiac in the sky. In the sky, IN YOU!!!
"I have called my son out of Egypt" said God in the Bible. Egypt in Biblical mythology is the Solar plexus center or the first 3 chakras of your body, this is the place of the lower consciousness, and is represented as the three kings and the 3 stars in the belt of orion. It's the abode of the Dragon and the Scorpion.
This Universal, Cosmic model that is above, is IN YOUR HEAD!!! Exoteric becomes Esoteric. You are to turn the powers of the zodiac inward and under your own mind control, instead of the stars ruling you, as true Astrology has revealed for thousands of years. This is the greatest SECRET of ALL of the ancient teachings.

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